Saturday, January 10, 2009

Anna Banana

Anna with Leann
Trying to get her to smile

Anna is growing up too fast! She walks/runs everywhere now. Shs loves to run to the door when the doorbell rings to see who it is. When Elise or Kendyl comes home from school she always says hi. She loves to talk now. She will talk for hours. Her favorite thing to do is "talk to her friend" in the mirror. She just loves it. Anna is actually saying words too. She likes to say "bye-bye", "pop-pop" which means popcorn. That is her favorite snack. She knows where the popcorn is, so she will go and get a bag and bring it to you until you pop it for her. It is so cute to watch. She can also say "da-da"-dad," hi", "hello", "no" and "don't". When anyone takes something away from her that she is playing with, she will start saying don't or no really loud. You can't trick her because she will throw a fit if you do! She can say "ow", "oh", and her latest words are "tank you"- thank you, and "ma-ma"- mom. She likes to get into everything and loves to help with the dishes. She also likes to play with the lids. We have a drawer where all the lids are, and she will take every single lid out and then run away. So you have to get her to help you put them back in the drawer, and then she says "tank-you". She likes to read books, "play" the piano, and click the mouse to the computer. Anna is such a precious little doll.

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