Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The 'Snow' storm

Last night
Kendyl outside freezing to death
Last night- 2 inches of sleet/snow

This Morning
This morning- 2 inches of sleet/snow with 3 inches of snow on top
The swing set
3 inches of snow!
I found these animal tracks in the back yard
The bird feeder

Along with the 2 inches of sleet/ice/snow, last night we got 3 inches of snow!!!! We haven't had snow like this in a while!! Last night we ventured out to Walmart to get some stuff to work on my quilt. Well, we decided to stop by McDonalds and get something to eat, well some of our friends were there, so we had a little 'party' if you want to call it that. It was snowing like crazy when we got there. I have never seen snowflakes so big!! So we each got a happy meal, and they come with a free red box movie, so we got some movies to watch today because we don't have any school. The snow was coming down really fast when we were going into Springfield. The roads are not clear. There are snow plows everywhere, but the sleet is just coming down too fast. We were able to get into Walmart, and ran into the Flynn's, our new neighbors. We got our fabric, and came home. Well, we got to our mailbox, and got stuck. My mom tried backing out and going again, but we weren't moving. So I pushed the gas, and she pushed the car. Well, we were able to get it into the driveway, and we got our stuff and Anna and ran into the house. We called the Flynn's, who were following us home, and asked them if they could come over and push the van in. So they came over and helped push us in!

We woke up this morning to a whole lot of snow, for Missouri, it is a lot! We now have on the ground, a thin layer of ice, 2 inches of sleet/snow, and 3 inches of snow! We will be outside playing in the snow with the new snow tube that we got!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The ice storm

We got about an inch of sleet/snow

Mom's bushes in the front of the house
The sidewalk

It is CHILLY outside

Mom swept the porch last night, and this was how much sleet/snow we got last night

Yesterday afternoon, about 3:00 p.m., it started to rain, freezing rain. Then it started to sleet, and now it hasn't stopped. It just keeps coming down. It has been sleeting and snowing all night long. We woke up, and there was about an inch of sleet/snow, and underneath that, there is a thin layer of ice. We haven't lost power yet and we are crossing our fingers that we won't. We dont think we will loose power because sleet doesn't stick to power lines like freezing rain does... We are out of school today! Springfield canceled last night at about 6:oo p.m. and when Springfield cancels, Willard cancels. We had a LOT of sleet last night, so we don't think we will have any school tomorrow.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Kendyl Plays in Sacrament Meeting

Kendyl did an excellent job playing in church. She played 'Thank Thee for Everything'.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Braces off!!



Well today had been a pretty exciting day so far. This morning i got my braces off!!! I was sooooo happy when i finally got them off. I got them on on March 27, 2008(the day after my birthday), and i got them off on January 19, 2009. I was pretty lucky because i didn't have to have them on very long, not even a year!!! And i only had to have them on the top!! I told my dad that i wanted mike and ikes, so that's what i got!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mom has glasses!!!!!

Mom and her glasses

WOW!! I can't believe that my mom has glasses!!! She has to have them to read with, not for anything else.

My Quilt

This is the picture in the book. It is out of a quilt book that my mom got for Christmas. I really like the quilts that are in it.
One of the quilt blocks

The other quilt block

Green for the stems




Orange, supposed to be bright


Yellow, supposed to be really bright

For one of my value projects, I am making a quilt. It is very cute and I love the colors. The pictures aren't very good. There are 7 colors and they are all very, very bright colors. The colors are yellow, orange, pink, purple, aqua, blue, and green. I will use this quilt for my bed. It is just the right size. I can't wait to make it. I am cutting out all the pieces right now. My mom has already sewn together the two blocks that alternate throughout the quilt, just in different colors. I can't wait to get it done, but it will be a while!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Anna Banana

Anna with Leann
Trying to get her to smile

Anna is growing up too fast! She walks/runs everywhere now. Shs loves to run to the door when the doorbell rings to see who it is. When Elise or Kendyl comes home from school she always says hi. She loves to talk now. She will talk for hours. Her favorite thing to do is "talk to her friend" in the mirror. She just loves it. Anna is actually saying words too. She likes to say "bye-bye", "pop-pop" which means popcorn. That is her favorite snack. She knows where the popcorn is, so she will go and get a bag and bring it to you until you pop it for her. It is so cute to watch. She can also say "da-da"-dad," hi", "hello", "no" and "don't". When anyone takes something away from her that she is playing with, she will start saying don't or no really loud. You can't trick her because she will throw a fit if you do! She can say "ow", "oh", and her latest words are "tank you"- thank you, and "ma-ma"- mom. She likes to get into everything and loves to help with the dishes. She also likes to play with the lids. We have a drawer where all the lids are, and she will take every single lid out and then run away. So you have to get her to help you put them back in the drawer, and then she says "tank-you". She likes to read books, "play" the piano, and click the mouse to the computer. Anna is such a precious little doll.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Leann's Birthday

Leann and her Birthday cake

Dale and Leann after a good dinner at El Charro

Anna being a silly goose

Leann celebrated her 40 something birthday on January 2nd. She had a surprise visit from Loree Winters Stackhouse who lives in Nevada. They had a nice lunch. Leann spent the afternoon shopping. That evening she went out with her husband Dale and her parents to El Charro. They made her wear a sombrero and sang a Happy Birthday song in Spanish. Then they came home to have birthday cake that Elise had made.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The New Year

The youth had a New Year's Eve Party last night. It was a lot of fun. They had a couple of Wii's set up, a ping-pong table, a fooseball table, Apples to Apples, music, and food. At midnight the leaders cooked pancakes, sausage, and eggs for everybody.

Getting a blog!!

My mom had an idea that I should start a blog for the Rodman Family. So, that's what i'm doing. It will be one of my value projects for Young Women.