Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring Break/Kansas City

This past week was spring break. We had to go to school on Monday because it was a snow make up day, but we had the rest of the week off. On Wednesday Elise went and got her hair cut, only about 3 inches. Thursday was Elise's birthday and first thing she did was get her permit. She passed and needs to practice!
As a family we all went up to Kansas City to go to the Bishop's Store House. We left on Thursday at about noon, and came back on Friday at about 4. Thursday night, we went shopping. Then we went out to dinner at the Rib Crib. That was delicious! Then we went to the Independence mall and shopped some more. We went back to the hotel and spent the night. The following morning, mom and dad went to the store house to get food. Well, it turns out that they didn't have what we needed. We have been needing to get rid of our 25 year old wheat, rice, and macaroni, but they didn't have any!!!! We borrowed Grandpa's truck because we were going to get 1000 pounds of food, but we could of taken our van and would of been a LOT more comfortable! But we couldn't get what we needed the most of, so we just got the other stuff we needed.
On the way home, it started raining, but not too bad. Kansas City was supposed to get a foot of snow on Saturday, but luckily we didn't get snowed in!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Fruit Trees and new lawnmower

On Friday dad got a couple of new fruit trees- 2 pear, 2 plum and 1 peach. On Saturday it was raining most of the day. Dad and mom wanted to work out in the garden most of the day, well that didn't work out. So instead, dad bought a new lawnmower!!!!!! We have been needing a new one, and dad has been looking around, so we went ahead and bought a Cub Cadet 54". Kendyl I think is the most excited about it. She can actually drive, unlike the other one because it was a zero turn, and this one has a steering wheel.


My bedroom

The main part of the quilt

I made the bedskirt

and the curtain

My mom and I finally finished my quilt that I have been working on for the past 2 months. I alsp decided to make curtains and a bedskirt since I haven't done anything to my room since I moved in. So we went to Walmart and got a little bit more fabric to make a bedskirt. I think it turned out really cute. My quilt was one of my value projects for Young Women. I am glad that I finally finished my quilt!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Nothing too exciting

We haven't done anything too exciting. Kendyl and Elise have been practicing a lot lately. The Federation Music Contest was on Saturday, the 14. Kendyl got a 5 and Elise got a 5. They were both very pleased with their performances. That night, Elise had a dance. Super Saturday was a dance,"Black and White". You had to wear black and white. It was a tri-stake dance, Springfield, Springfield South, and St.Roberts. The Bogles were there. The dance was SUPER hot. Everybody was sweating sooo bad. There was at least a 15 degree difference between the hallyway and the gym. It was fun! The next big event is Spring Break. It is the 24-27. On Thursday, the 26, Elise will get her permit, and then as a family go up to Kansas City for 2 days.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Anna before bed


Trying to get Anna to smile

She likes to point at the camera a lot...

Anna had been really happy lately. She loves to play, read stories, and cuddle up right next to you! She says good job to just about anything, like in sacrament meeting when somebody gets done saying the prayer!

Monday, March 2, 2009

River Flows in You

This is River Flows in You. I found it on the internet, and just fell in love with it. I thought I had heard it before, which I had, I just couldn't put a name to it. It only took me about 3 days to learn, and I have played it every day since then. And I think I am driving my family crazy, but they always drive me crazy, so what's the difference!!!!! haha. lol.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Scott Joplin

Kendyl had an assignment to research a famous Missourian in her fourth grade class. She was looking at all the people, and came home and told mom that she chose Scott Joplin. Of course, mom got all excited and told her that she needed to dress up and play the Entertainer. Kendyl researched, and practiced, and then she performed at school in front of her class. Mom took the keyboard, and Kendyl dressed up. Everybody loved her performance! Mom wasn't able to make the performance, but video taped it at home!