Saturday, February 21, 2009


Elise and Anna

Anna is getting so big!

Close up of her silly face

Anna has been very busy lately. She likes to run around the house, take everything, and I mean everything, out of all the drawers. She also likes to take apart Kendyl and Elise's room!! She has been a realy busy body, getting into everything!!! But she also like to take pictures. She likes for you to take it, and then she has to see it after you take it!

Donut Party

This is all the donuts they made

Ryan after 20 donuts...

The "Donut King"

Making the donuts

For mutual the priest had a donut party at our house. One kid, Ryan, had an eating contest. He ate around 20 donuts!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Temple Trip

The youth went to the St. Louis Temple on Saturday the 14th. It was a very nice trip and had a nice time, except maybe for dad(who will have to ask him about the details). We were supposed to bring our own names, and so I got to baptize 10 of the names that I took. We had to make it back home for Super Saturday. Our session was from 12-2, and Super Saturday started at 6! We made it to Super Saturday at about 7:20, so we had some fun. But everybody was SO tired, and I don't think it helped that we had early church!!!!!, and a fireside tonight!

Kendyl's Valentine Box

For Kendyl's Valentine Box, she made a Grand Piano. Of course, it was moms idea. Kendyl said that she just wouldn't have a box this year because she didn't want to make one. So mom helped her make one and Kendyl won "The Best Box Award"! She got two handful's of candy for the award. Her box was full by the time all the Valentine's were passes out!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

My Quilt

This is what the quilt is 'supposed' to look like. We didn't have all the colors, so my mom made her own pattern

The quilt on the frames

Mom and I finally managed to get my quilt on the frames. We just put it on last night, and we haven't done anything yet. It took us about 2 or 3 weeks to get to this point. No we just have to quit it!

Family Night

I haven't been very good at updating, so this was from last week. After family home evening, Kendyl and Dad played a game of Sorry, and Mom worked on my Quilt.

Kendyl and Dad, and Anna really wanted to play, so she's in her highchair

Friday, February 6, 2009

Anna Banana

We got a mini trampoline from grandma Pyrah, and Anna likes to bounce on it. It is quite funny to watch actaully. She also just likes to sit on it.

If you didn't catch it, her new word is "good job". She says it ALL the time now. She is talking quite a bit.

This is what happens when Kendyl and Elise go back to school...

We were out of school for 3 days, and apparently Anna didn't have anything to do, so luckily she got into Anna's room, not mine, but she still made a mess!