Friday, December 25, 2009

The Bell Choir

Christmas Eve Party at our house

Christmas Eve

Acting out the Christmas story. Austin was Joseph, Kendyl was Mary, Sydney was the angel, Elise and Ashley were shepherds, and Kaitlin was the donkey.

A new wii!

A white Christmas! It iced and snowed on Christmas Eve--not really enough to go sledding.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Down Syndrome Group Christmas Party

We had yummy food! We even won a 3 month membership to the Cox Fitness Center in the raffle drawing.

Anna wouldn't get near the real Santa. She had to observe him for awhile and then she came within about 3 feet and said "hi" and waved.

Chelsea's engagement

Look at them smile! Chelsea and Brandon Riches were engaged on Nov. 24th and are planning a March wedding in the St. Louis Temple. Congratulations! Brandon is from Cookeville, Tennessee. He just turned 22. He went to South Africa on his mission. He is the oldest of 10 children. His Grandma and Grandpa Riches live in the Joplin, MO Stake.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Ward Halloween Party

Anna and Macey Hill
Grandma Pyrah with Corrienne Thedell and Kendyl

Bro. and Sis. Day

Grandma Pyrah and Anna (who is that crazy witch?)

Grandman Pyrah

Thursday, October 15, 2009

General Conference October 2009

Chelsea and Brandon Riches

BYU Football game

Go Tia!!!!

Go Chelsea!!!!

Cheme''s new baby, Kaydence Amrie Erikson

Kaydence was born Sept. 22, 2009

Anna going to school -- Sept. 2009

Anna waiting for the bus with her backpack.